Better Healthcare
Begins with Better Data

In healthcare, low quality provider data has far-reaching consequences, impacting patients and healthcare companies. Candor Health is an AI-driven healthcare intelligence platform built on high quality provider data.
Data Applications

Solving our customer's challenges

Manage Provider Networks

Build and manage your rosters and preferred provider networks directly in the Candor UI. Search across all high quality records of physicians and facilities, add them to a network list, and collaboratively maintain them across your team. 
Get instant alerts on any activity or changes in your preferred providers!

Power your Platform with our API

Integrate Candor data to enable critical product features including provider search, referral management, and network management. Seamless integration with Candor’s real-time API, flat file delivery, AWS, Snowflake, Databricks or your preferred method.
Join Candor data easily using a number of identifiers including NPI, CCN, EIN, PAC ID, location, and more.

Automated Health Plan Matching

Identify and categorize your patients’ insurance plans, quickly return all providers and facilities that accept that insurance within a specialty and geographic radius.
Save hours deciphering health plan names from your EHR and get your patients matched to the best care in the area instantly.

Grow your Business

Whether it’s to market your product or to expand your clinical team, identify thought leaders across region, specialty, experience, languages spoken, licenses, degrees, medical research, clinical trials and more!
Reach out to them via phone, email or LinkedIn.

Your data upgrade starts here

Provider Intelligence
Data on over 6 million healthcare individuals including up-to-date work location/phone/fax, employed/affiliation status with health entities, insurances accepted, licenses, reviews/ratings, procedures and drugs prescribed, LinkedIn profile, email address, and more.
Facility Intelligence
Full dataset of all major facility types in the US including hospitals, ASCs, skilled nursing, urgent care, home health, labs, imaging centers, and others, including directory of all individuals, ownership structure, insurances accepted, EIN/TIN, CCN, and more.
Payer Ingelligence
Data on over 33,000 payers/plans, including in-network status of providers and facilities. Automated matching of patient plans from any source.
Working with Candor

Tailored Business Solutions

To enhance the value from Candor's data and analytics, we emphasize a service-oriented and consultative approach. Our product experts work alongside you to interpret the data and develop actionable strategies that drive performance improvements.

Make better
healthcare decisions with Candor

Start your data upgrade with us today.
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