A common challenge faced in the healthcare industry is being able to search and find the doctors and facilities that specialize in treating a certain condition. Knowing only a doctor’s specialty (e.g., Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery) offers limited insight as to whether they can perform a specific procedure or treat specific conditions, which hinders the ability to select the best provider for a patient’s needs.
To address these shortcomings and empower informed decision-making, Candor developed Clinical Expertise, a cutting-edge solution to showcase key provider focus areas and enhance the provider search experience. Features include:
Clinical Focus: For over 550,000 doctors, physician assistants, mental health specialists, and other providers nationwide, Clinical Expertise reports data on the top conditions treated, top procedures performed, and most common tests conducted by healthcare providers. Sourced from commercial, Medicare and Medicaid claims sources, Candor translates ICD10 and HCPCS codes to patient-friendly terms such as “chronic pain” or “hernia repair surgery,” making it easier to search and filter for the right providers rather than using an exact procedure or condition name.
Research and Awards: We source data on a provider’s publications and awards to identify top research areas, including insights on publication track record over time, awards, most recent topics studied, and active and completed clinical trials.
Qualification Summary: By analyzing provider specialties, memberships, awards, and patient reviews, we craft a 1-2 sentence summary of a provider’s unique qualifications and specialization
Improve Care Navigation: Our data enables care teams and prospective patients to discover orthopedic surgeons performing shoulder repairs, neurologists conducting leading MS research, ophthalmologists that specialize in eye cancer, and more! Equip patients with confidence to schedule with providers who have deep expertise and knowledge of the latest medical advances.
Improve Search Results: Make the most relevant provider profiles available to enable patients to quickly assess fit for their needs.
Enhance Your Provider Network: Build your plan network and enhance your provider profiles with relevant information to create a better member experience and equip patients with the confidence to schedule with providers who have deep expertise and knowledge of the latest medical advances.
Published: 07/29/2024
Reach out to Candor today to learn how you can begin leveraging their AI powered provider data platform to upgrade your operations and data quality.
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